From the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam: SEED comes the O.M.N.I Enforcer Mobile Suit GAT-X105+AQM/E-X01 AILE STRIKE GUNDAM!
This 1/144th scale High Grade Cosmic Era kit-set contains:
- Parts to build Strike Gundam
- Beam Rifle
- Shield
- 2x Armor Schneider Combat Knives
- Aile Striker Pack
- 2x Beam Sabers
The AQM/E-X01 Aile Striker is the most commonly equipped Striker pack for the Strike as it provides the greatest versatility. Thanks to the powerful vernier thrusters built into the Aile Striker, the Strike Gundam becomes an all purpose combat mobile suit with enhanced speed and maneuverability compared to its base capabilities.
Despite the strength of the thrusters, they do not perform well enough for true flight capabilities inside Earth’s atmosphere. However, they do allow the Strike to glide in the air for a short time and enhance its jumping capabilities to the point that it can combat mobile suits on Guuls that are flying low. Besides the standard armament of the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam, the Aile Striker pack adds a pair of beam sabers to the suit’s armament.
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