From the original anime series Mobile Suit: Gundam comes the titular E.F.S.F Prototype Close-Combat Mobile Suit RX-78-2 GUNDAM!
This Revive version of the 1/144th scale High Grade Universal Century kit-set contains:
- Parts to build RX-78-2 Gundam
- 2x Beam Sabers
- 1 pair of Open hands
- Trigger right hand
- Beam Rifle
- Shield
- Hyper Bazooka + Storage Adapter
The RX-78-2 was the second of three Gundam prototype units constructed on Side 7 in UC 0079, as part of the Earth Federation’s V Project. Built to complement the long-range unit Guntank and mid-range support unit Guncannon, the Gundam was designed to be a highly mobile, close range machine with advanced weaponry beyond that used by Zeon’s machines.
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