From the anime series Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny comes the Z.A.F.T. Mobile Suit ZGMF-X20A STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM!
This 1/144th scale High Grade Cosmic Era kit-set contains:
- Parts to build Strike Freedom
- 2 Beam Sabers
- 8 DRAGOON Beam Assault Cannons
- 2 Railguns
- Manipulators (Weapons-holding (1 pair) Open-palm (1 pair))
- 2 High-Energy Beam Rifles
- Beam Shield
A mobile suit tuned to meet Kira Yamato’s needs, the Strike Freedom has Variable Phase Shift Armor, and like its predecessor, ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam, is primarily armed with powerful ranged weapons. Its armaments include head-mounted CIWS, an abdomen-mounted multi-phase beam cannon, hip-mounted railguns, combine-able beam sabers and beam rifles, DRAGOON pods controlled by the new Super DRAGOON system and beam shields. It is powered by the new Hyper-Deuterion Engine, and is also equipped with the Neutron Jammer Canceller and the Voiture Lumiere propulsion system.
From Bandai